Saturday, April 2, 2011

my favourite things/He dances and sings in the night

my hoody pulled high
my coat zipped
boots crunching
with each step
along the path

the night kissing away
the warm playings of the day
while people sleep

but God...

I caught Him dancing in the night
sweeping His paintbrush through the aspens
across the sleeping spruces and firs
red and green springing up through the white glow
across the northeastern horizon
sprinkles sent on wings
to brighten the heavens

reaching upwards
to our Abba Father
I could see
earth prayers
lifted in glory rays
from hearts of faith

dancing to the Son's song
lifted softly
to Heaven's heart
to the One

I caught Him singing as He sprinkled the evening stars
His song
in harmony
with the forest owls
the night train
the distant howl
of village dogs
soft around me

a cool freshness on my cheeks
the melody bursting for joy
in my lungs
as I laugh with the night

I am not alone

I caught Him dancing in the night
painting a Glory picture
another Masterpiece

I might have been sleeping

I caught his song
dropping from the scattered stars

while man sleeps

God neither slumbers nor sleeps
He plays in the night

while we sleep
and take our rest
and dream of other worlds

He holds us in His hand
while He dances in the night

warm glow on Night's canvas

our prayers rising

His heart answering

we sleep
He dances and sings in the night

my favourite things


  1. Isn't He just the greatest! I am so glad you caught Him singing and shared this with us . . . I am smiling big.

  2. and to think I was almost too tired to go out...but trusted Him for strength... and He always gives more than we could ask or think~
    blessings dear one
